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On this page you'll find some cool JavaScripts for your own page.
You'll find instructions & code when you click a link.
On some links you'll need to right-click and choose "Save Link Location" to save the source code.

Background Changer
Background Color
This will allow the user to change the background color of your page.
Bounce Status
This will make your text bounce in the status bar of the browser.
Browser Jump
Recognizes what browser you are using and jumps to that browser's correct page.
Button Change On Click
Changes an image when clicked on, cool for action.
Changes Images
It will put or change a picture beside your link when the user touches it.
Click News
This will make a clickable scrolling banner on your webpage. It closely resembles a news wire out reading.
ClickJump LinkBox
When the User selects an item, it will automatically jump to that link.
This is a clock that shows the system time.
This allows the user confirm entering the page.
This countdown the days, hours, and minutes to any given date.
Current Date and Time
This will create a header on the top right side of your webpage with the current date and time.
Current Time
This will place the current time in the Status Window of your browser.
Double List
This will give you two drop down lists that work together.
E-Mail Form
This will send you an e-mail with whatever your visitor enters in the fields.
Fade Text
This fades the text color giving you a rainbow effect. Change it by playing with the <FONT COLOR= > tag.
Frame On - Frame Off
This script lets the user choose which version of your page they want to see.
Goodbye Message
This will cause an elert message before your visitor leaves (OR reloads) your page.
Goto Listbox
Greetings with time and date
Hello Visitor
This will ask the user for his/her name, then tell them WELCOME ...
Horizontal Scroll
This will make your webpage slide to the right automatically upon loading of the webpage.
How Long
This will pop up a message and tell the user how long they have been on your site.
How the user got to your page
This script tells the user where he came from and what browser and operating system they are using.
Image Change on MouseOver
This will make new images pop up when the user places the mouse over them.
Image Form
This will create a form where you can have images as the SUBMIT and RESET buttons. The Reset button will not work in IE.
Popup killer (Tripod)
This script kills those little annoying Tripod popups.
Last Date Modified
This shows the user the last date this page was modified.
Link Alert
This will cause an alert message before the browser goes to the link chosen.
Link Banner
This will place a message in the text box when the user mouses over a link.
Link Without Click
This will make the browser jump to the page of your choice once the user puts the mouse over the link.
MouseOver on status bar
This displays 'Your Message Here' in the status bar when the mouse pointer is over the 'Put Image Here' image.
This will make a small Navigation Window in which you can place links to different pages.
A Script that types in a box that looks like notepad.
OnOff Screen
This will make your background colors change upon buttonclick.
Opens a separate window
This script opens a separate window for the locations you give it.
This will require the user to put in a password before they can enter your website.
Play WAV on link
This will play a .wav file when the visitor clicks on an Image or Text Link.
Play WAV on load
This will play a .wav file when the visitor opens your page.
Pop Up on MouseOver
This will pop up a new browser window when you mouseover the link. In this example the link is an image, but you can change it to a text link.
Preload Images
This will preload images in the webpage.
Quick Survey
This will ask the user if they want to fill out a survey. If they do, they fill out the input boxes, then hit submit. If they don't, they get a link to go to your page.
Random Ad Space
Produces a randomly generated graphic to use as ad or cool effect.
Random Alert
This will create a random alert message of any kind. Shown here in HTML Tags. You can replace the tags with phrases, help tips, anything that can be randomly diplayed.
Random Sound
This will play a random MIDI file or WAV file on the users system, pending if their system can handle sound files.
Roll Scroll
This will make your status banner scrabble together.
Scrolling Banner
This is your typical scrolling banner.
Scrolling Button
This is a scrolling alert button. This example is for mail, but if you change
the action = to a URL, it will also go to a site.
Scrolling Title Effect
Very cool title effect.
Slide Scroll
This script will make your status message slide into place.
Statusbar Message
This scrolls ' Your Message Here ' in the status bar.
Text Slideshow
This will make your text appear on the browser, line by line, and then conclude with an auto-jump to your website.

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This page was last updated 01/21/99.
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